闺蜜的英语:bosom female friend ladybro。
The Edge of Seventeen 最佳闺蜜
Those girlfriends 那些闺蜜
Sweet honey 甜蜜闺蜜
1、When I was in high school, all my girlfriends wanted to get jobs here. And I wanted to be what they were searching for.高中的时候,我的闺蜜们都想在谷歌工作。而我呢,就想成为人们用谷歌搜索的话题。
2、I told no one about what I had read, including my Googling friend and my husband, who wouldn’t have cared.我没有告诉过其他人这件事,包括我的那位闺蜜以及我的丈夫,我猜他不会在意的。
3、I have a good friend who, like countless others, is addicted to Googling ex-boyfriends.我有一个闺蜜,她和其他很多人一样,喜欢在网上搜索历任男友的近况。
4、And, in common with many of my friend's husbands, Colin regularly complains that this just isn't enough.跟我很多闺蜜的老公一样,科林也常常对此牢骚满腹。
5、Just imagine what will happen if your mother-in-law-to-be or friends are angry with you.想想看,如果你未来丈母娘或者女友闺蜜对你怨言不断,你会怎样呢?